ArtiCAD develops 3-D CAD Kitchen Design Software, Bedroom Design Software and Bathroom Design Software


Traditionally known for its expertise in unblocking drains, Dyno Rod, has expanded its range of services significantly since its acquisition by British Gas in 2004.


Taking Dyno-Plumbing into


Bathroom Design



 As Dyno Plumbing and its three Regional Growth Managers looked to identify new ways of developing and expanding the company’s services, bathroom design came to the top of the list.


“At Dyno Plumbing we provide a range of plumbing services, from replacing broken taps and showers through to complete bathroom installations. Our customers have the reassurance that all work is carried out by qualified engineers and covered by the standard British Gas guarantee.”


"It’s fabulous and is getting a great reaction from both Dyno-Plumbing staff and from our customers.”



Dave Johnson is the Regional Growth Manager at Dyno-Rod Plumbing in the North of England and Scotland, which accounted for 119,000 plumbing jobs last year


“We identified the home improvement market as a key area of growth and were keen to explore how we can fulfil bathroom design right through to installation.”  

Dave carried out some preliminary research on the type of products which the company might be able to use to create 3D bathroom designs – on the spot – for its customers. “I contacted ArtiCAD and arranged for a demonstration of their ArtiCAD-Pro product. Quite simply it was amazing.


The quality of the graphics was so good.  We then took the software to a regional meeting to find out what potential users of such a system thought about it – and the response was 100% in favour. Immediately the audience – consisting of Dyno Plumbing franchisees– saw ArtiCAD-Pro as a really great selling aid.”



Dyno Plumbing took the decision to purchase the ArtiCAD-Pro software – initially one licence for each of the ten businesses – plus laptops and portable printers. The systems are leased to each of the businesses by Dyno Plumbing, and it is planned that the number of licences will be increased as demand for the bathroom design service grows. 

Training was carried out almost immediately and customer interest was high, according to Dave, “We already had a waiting list of people wanting designs produced using our new ArtiCAD-based service." 


“As more and more people are choosing to stay put in their homes, rather than move, they want to upgrade their bathrooms and make them more like the ones featured so often on make-over programmes and in magazines.


Our engineers often complete the bathroom design for a customer on--site, having taken the measurements of the room. Designs are typically produced in less than thirty minutes and are accompanied by a fixed price guarantee and the offer of a British Gas financing agreement. It’s an offer which seems to be extremely attractive.”


“We are achieving an impressive sales conversion rate using ArtiCAD-Pro software, which is excellent. Without the software, I believe our sales conversion rate would be considerably less; customers can see the end result and feel confident progressing.”


“Our engineers find ArtiCAD-Pro very simple to use, particularly the drag and drop feature.  They’ve had great fun learning to use it and the training provided by ArtiCAD was excellent. Being able to produce such high quality designs quickly and easily which can drive sales is a huge benefit.


“I believe that ArtiCAD-Pro is the simplest system I have ever seen – it’s fabulous and is getting a great reaction from Dyno Plumbing staff and our customers.”


(C) ArtiCAD Ltd. 2013